Finding the Perfect Piece.
Original artworks are an excellent option both aesthetically and from an investment perspective, as they have qualities like a painterly texture, for example, and investment value that a print won't. Each piece is created, hand-signed and is entirely individual. Given the hand-done nature of original artworks, nuances can be expected, this is what makes the artwork truly unique.
Our Fine Art Prints are Limited edition prints that offer highly customised options on artwork (like size, for example) to clients at a lower price than that of a commission or original artwork. A high resolution, signed limited edition print is worth a lot more than a standard unnumbered photograph or poster. When buying a limited edition print, the artist or printer's proof versions are deemed rare and likely to hold more value.
If you have something specific in mind this is for you. Commissions allow us to tailor drawings, paintings and sculpture to your desired space and taste. They allow us to think outside the box and produce to any scale you desire - we even create large installation-style commissions.
Whether you're are on the hunt for yourself, a gift or client we commission for both residential and commercial spaces.
So if you are on the hunt for the next big thing or trying to create an experience through visual art, you’ve come to the right place.
Commission inquiries through designers and client direct for both residential and commercial spaces are always welcome.
Artist Johanna Morgan Richardson can tailor drawings, paintings and sculpture to your desired space and taste. It is of upmost importance that we have a connection and understanding of each client and their needs, therefore each commission comes with an initial consultation either in person or online. This allows you to get to know Johanna, her business and what she can do for you.
No obligations or strings attached.
We love being challenged to think outside the box and are always keen to produce large-scale and installation-style commissions. So if you are on the hunt for the next big thing or trying to create an experience through visual art, we would love to hear from you.
Contact us
Monday — Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday — Sunday Offline
Located in East Victoria Park, Western Australia.